CherryTop Weddings

CherryTop Weddings


We were excited to get stuck into working with CherryTop Weddings on this substantial design project, encompassing a brand and logo refresh, product and website redesign and creating a look and feel for their social media campaigns. Below showcases some of the key pieces of work for CherryTop Weddings.

Stanhope Design created a new and updated logo new typefaces in a softer colour palette whilst retaining the memorable interlinking cherry icon. The new logo provides a softer more balanced logo, aimed at their target market. 

The brand refresh required a new colour palette, a set of games icons representing each game available as part of the wedding games booklet, as well as a branded envelope and infographic style icons. These are shown below.

CTW brand booklet 125mm16
CTW brand booklet 125mm
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CTW brand booklet 125mm11
CTW brand booklet 125mm12
CTW brand booklet 125mm13
CTW brand booklet 125mm8
CTW brand booklet 125mm14
CherryTop Weddings brand booklet
CTW brand booklet 125mm9
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Social media graphics for Instagram

Redesign of the 12 wedding favour booklets included creating repeat patterns, painted borders, hand drawn floral and botanical elements as well as choosing typefaces to compliment the designs.

Each wedding favour booklet was created in a selection of colourways which needed to be commercial, on trend and appeal to the client.

Website homepage redesign - Go to to check out the site.
